2025 KCSF Scholarship Recipients

Donald Choi Canada Award of Excellence

(Value: $7,500 x 4 years, for a total award value of $30,000)

Trinity Chung, Western University

Byung Kuk Kim Memorial Scholarship

(Value: $2,500 x 4 years, for a total award value of $10,000)

Ryan Kim, University of British Columbia

Dr. F. Schofield Memorial Scholarships

Pan Asia Schofield (Value $2,500): Yeganeh Mehrani, University of Guelph

Schofield Scholarship Association (Value $2,500): Michael Westerveld, University of Guelph

Samjim Globalnet Schofield (Value $2,500): Fatemeh (Darya) Fazel, University of Guelph

General Scholarships

Undergraduate (including Pharmacy)

Dongwoo Cultural Association Scholarship (Value $2,500): Caleb Lam, University of Western Ontario

Ewha Girls High School Scholarship (Value $2,500): Youjin Park, University of Calgary

Hakyoo Park Humanitarian Award (Value $5,000): Ashley Jeon, University of Toronto

Hyecho (Kyoung Ok Lee) Scholarship (Value $2,500): Esther Yoon, University of Toronto

Hyeil Noh Memorial Scholarship (Value $2,500): Hee Jin Kim, University of Toronto

In Sik Moon Scholarship (Value $2,500): Yuri Choi, University of Toronto

KEB Hana Bank Canada Scholarship (Value $2,500): Yujin Choi, University of Toronto

Matthew and Michael Im Scholarship (Value $2,500): Hannah Cheung, University of Calgary

Nam Soo Kim Family Scholarship (Value $2,500): Caroline Lyu, University of Toronto

Pan Asia Food Scholarship (Value $2,500): Sung Park, University of Toronto

Pan Asia Food Scholarship (Value $2,500): Hamin Park, Waterloo University

Park Family Foundation Leadership Award (Value $5,000): Chaerin (Christy) Lim, University of British Columbia

Pil Kyu Chang Memorial Scholarship (Value $2,500): Youngeun Song, McGill University

Taek-Soon Yoon Scholarship (Value $2,500): Anne Shin Doi, University of Toronto

Wang Food Scholarship (Value $2,500): Hannah Kim, University of British Columbia

Yu-An Farms Scholarship (Value $2,500): Heeji Kim, University of Toronto

Yun Back Kim Family Foundation Award of Excellence (Value $2,500): Harriet Kim, George Brown College & Toronto Metropolitan University

Masters, Medicine, Law and Dentistry

Cheoljong and Injung Yoon Scholarship (Value $2,500): Taewoong Chae, University of British Columbia

Dongwoo Cultural Association Scholarship (Value $2,500): Tim Gulliver, McGill University

Enviro Mushroom Farm Award of Excellence (Value $5,000): Brian Choi, University of Calgary

Enviro Mushroom Farm Award of Excellence (Value $5,000): Ye-In Jung, University of Alberta

Ewha Womans University Alumnae Scholarship (Value $2,500): Esther ShinHyun Kang, University of Cambridge

EY scholarship (Value $2,500): Yebin Myung, University of Toronto

In Suh Lee Scholarship (Value $2,500): Yoonsoo Park, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

P.A.T. Supermarket - Sun Ok Lee Scholarship (Value $2,500): Eun Hee Chung, University of Toronto

Samuel and Sonya Na Scholarship (Value $5,000): Alice Min, University of Toronto

Wang Food Scholarship (Value $2,500): Yu Seon (Sarah) Chae, Simon Fraser University


EY scholarship (Value $2,500): Julia Park, University of Toronto

Young Kim Memorial Scholarship (Value $2,500): Minsol Park, McGill University

Upper Year Instalments

KCSF also congratulates our past KCSF scholars who have met or exceeded the requirements to continue receiving their respective award instalments this year for the following scholarships:

Donald Choi Canada Award of Excellence

Byung Kuk Kim Memorial Scholarship

Nam Soo Kim Family Scholarship